Olive Oil Soap

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Olive Oil Soap

Our olive oil soap is just that...simply made with only organic extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil and potassium hydroxide and distilled water (lye solution).  It is gentle on the skin and moisturizing...it has a rather luxurious feeling in my humble opinion. I have gotten great feedback on it... here's my favorite so far...

My Olive Oil soap review: 
The other day my wife handed me a bar of obviously homemade soap and said, “Here, try this Olive oil soap .”
I immediately did a mental head slap.  “Ugh . . . this is going to be some girly soap that leaves me feeling all greasy.  I bet it smells girly, too!”
Most men are looking for three things from a soap.  One, we want it to get us clean.  Two, we want a good lather.  You just don’t feel as clean if there aren’t a lot of bubbles.  Three, we don’t want a lot of heavy perfumes that leave us smelling like a girly-man!
I’m happy to report that the soap I tried met all three criteria. 
When I finished using it, I felt clean with no greasy residue.  It lathered nicely, and didn’t smell like I had wandered through fields of lilac.
As an added bonus, it helped with some rough, dry patches on my skin.  We men know we should moisturize, but that gets us back to the greasy, girly equation.
I can honestly endorse this for other men who do not wish to give up their man cards just yet.